Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies

I was never very fond of the different brands of chocolate chip cookies that are sold at the grocery store....they're never soft enough, never chewy enough, their texture and taste is just all wrong.... they just don't satisfy my need for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. And why would you ever buy them when you can have so much fun baking them on your own with this amazing recipe???

This recipe makes by far the most perfect chocolate chip cookies I've ever tasted - and the recipe isn't mine .... it's a hand-me-down from my sister :) But it's the ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe with a little bit of my added touch. :P

These cookies take me back a couple of years when my sister would invite her friends for dinner and these cookies had to be on her menu! I made them for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law when they came over the day and they wouldn't believe me that I made them from scratch because each cookie was the same size and according to them they were just too perfect :P 

I really recommend this recipe for a fun baking experience and a little splurge on your healthy diet :P  You can't eat completely healthy all the time - live a little :)

Here's what you'll need:


2 and 1/4 cups flour
3/4th cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4th cup Omega-3 Margarine (My sister uses butter, it's up to you!)
3/4th cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
3/4th package milk chocolate chips (My sister uses semi-sweet chocolate chips -it depends on what you like really)
Pre-heat the oven to 375F and grease a large baking sheet with a non-stick spray or a bit of vegetable oil.

Stir together flour, baking soda and salt in bowl. Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla in a different large bowl until creamy. Add the eggs and beat well. Gradually add in the flour mixture and beat well. Stir in chocolate chips. Make them into perfect balls (small or medim size depending on how many cookies you want and how big u like your cookies)  When you place the balls on the baking sheet, lightly push down on each ball with your hand to spread it a little.  Make sure each ball is the same size and give them space because they will melt and grow larger in size in the oven!
You can make these in batches of 12 cookies or however many fit onto your baking sheet!
Bake 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. This recipe should make about 5 dozen cookies (If you make them the size of mine, it'll make 3 dozen cookies) 
Really watch the cookies in the last 2 minutes of baking time because if you're like me and think they haven't browned enough, you'll end up with some hard cookies and sore teeth!!! (I over-baked my first batch, but i learned my lesson for my last 2 batches and they turned out deeeeeelicious!!!)

I suggest you serve these right out of the oven - that's when they are at their yummiest and you won't be able to resist anyway :) I garauntee you'll have to make these manyyy more times for your family and friends once they try them :)
Bon appetit!!! :)


  1. thanks salsoul! sorry i butchered your recipe hehehe :P

  2. They were really yummy.. irrisistable:).......
    I am ganna try this soon Samah
    Merci for the recipe...

  3. thanks Ola!! i'm glad you guys enjoyed them :D yallah impress me next time we come over and make these cookies :D:D

  4. I CANNOT WAIT TO GET BACK TO DUBAI AND TRY THESE IN MY KITCHEN! They look absolutely DIVINE!!! I can already taste them...and maybe even see them on my hips already lol!

    Maya xx

  5. hahaha theyre already on my hips that's for sure! :P:P yallah let me know when you try them!! )
